Version 1.2 Update

Game: Under-Sea Escape

Creator: Dillon Wiltshire

Version: 1.2

Date: 01/22/2023

New features

  • FRIENDLY FISH - You can now make Fish 3 friendly towards you by giving him food.
  • PRANK RUINING - Added a feature where you can mess up the Octopus’s plan to prank you, resulting in a new dialogue when speaking to them.


  • ROOM SWITCHING - Fixed an issue when in the starting room after obtaining the key, you could return to the octopus room instead of the octopus room copy. Likewise for the fish 3 room.
  • OCTOPUS DIALOGUE - Fixed an issue where if you talked to Fish 3 before speaking to the Octopus, a dialogue option appeared that would make no sense to the player.

Improvements (of existing features)

  • CLARIFIED SOME FEATURES/DIALOGUE - When picking up the key, the player is now told that the locked door is gone. This should clear up confusion for players who believed it was a bug.
  • SPRITE COLORS - Changed the sprite colors from white to black in rooms with bright backgrounds.

Known Bugs

  • N/A


under_sea_escape (1).html Play in browser
Jan 22, 2023

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