Gauntlet Pandemic
A downloadable game for Windows
This is a top-down 3D game inspired by the original Gauntlet released in 1985. You play as a security guard patrolling through an infected hospital, taking out zombies and ghouls as you navigate the halls. Unfortunately for you, however, the power's out, so you need to rely on your trusty cache of glow sticks to see the path ahead.
Spacebar - Throw glowstick
Left Click - Fire weapon
Controller Compatible
Shion Wild - Dillon Wiltshire (Gameplay/Level Design)
HypeLocomotive - John Collera (3D Modeling and Animation)
Blirkit - Kaleb Schmenk (Programming)
americanegg - Eggsy Simwa (3D Modeling and Texturing)
Alexis Grzunov (Artist)
GauntletPandemic.zip 72 MB
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